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powder painting equipment
powder painting equipment

Product introduction:

The single-stage recycling powder spraying room is widely used for spraying automobiles parts, engineering machinery, sports equipment, furniture, home appliances, profiles and other powder spraying objects. Equipment advantages: suitable for 1-3 color spraying, suitable for 100% full recovery, saving powder cost. The spraying objects can be used for one-time construction after pretreatment, electrophoresis and powder spraying. According to the product structure, reciprocating machine and robot spraying can be selected to realize automatic operation and reduce production cost. According to the specification, weight and process requirements of the customer's products, we can customize the plan.
  • powder painting equipment
  • powder painting equipment
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Contact us

Contact: Mr. Tan

mobiles: +86-13823630385

E-mail: jackytan@911gm.com

Contact: Mr. Yang
mobiles: + 601 2791 3938

E-mail: yanggarry@163.com

Copyright  Shenzhen Hongkai Technology Co., Ltd.    粤ICP备39001086号
Copyright  Shenzhen Hongkai Technology Co., Ltd.    粤ICP备39001086号